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Writing in the Cracks
Eating the Elephant
Eating the Elephant, One Bite at a Time (0:59)
Exercise: Breaking it Down
Rethinking Time (1:00)
Exercise: Tracking Your Time
Making Time (0:45)
Exercise: 21 Days
Reframing the Craft of Writing
Redefining Writing as a JOB (1:04)
Exercise: Reframing
Protecting Your Time (0:38)
Negotiation (1:09)
Spoonies (0:59)
Exercise: Spending Your Spoons
Conserving Your Spoons
Recharging Your Spoons (1:13)
Exercise: Introvert or Extrovert?
Turtle Writers (0:33)
Writing in the Cracks
Concentration Levels (1:03)
Exercise: Concentration Levels
Finding the Cracks (0:53)
Aids and Equipment (2:51)
Making Privacy (1:22)
Paradoxes in Time Management (1:14)
Improving Your Skills: Techniques & Brain Hacks
Meditation and Concentration (0:53)
Exercise: Candle Meditation
Developing a Writing Ritual (2:00)
Writing Rituals: Engage All the Senses
Writing Rituals: Training Yourself to Write on Cue
Setting Goals (1:06)
Exercise: Eating the Elephant
Exercise: Word Sprints
Exercise: Word Wars
Write-ins (0:57)
High-Tech Writing Aids (1:45)
Developing Your Skills with NaNoWriMo (1:22)
A Final Note on Motivation and Focus (2:04)
Exercise: 21 Days
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