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Old Stories Into New
What Light through Yonder Window Breaks? Course overview and notes.
Storytelling Over Megaphones
​What Is a Retelling?
Course Notes
Getting Your Letter from Hogwarts: Discovering inspirations.
To Make Things Come Out Differently
To Expand On What's Already There
To Add Complexity
To Reach a Different Audience
To Write What's Missing
To Explore the Themes
To Express Frustration, Love, and Humor
Second Star to the Right, and Straight On Till Morning: Approaches to retellings.
Pick a New Point of View
Change the Setting
Change the Genre
Change a Bunch of Other Stuff
Mash It Up
Break the Fourth Wall
Deploy Parody
Don't Go Into the Woods: Creating meaning.
Consider Imagery
Consider Overt Themes
Consider Covert Themes
Consider Social Impact
Consider Personal and Emotional Impact
Consider Cultural Context
Consider What the Reader Will See
It Will Come What Will: Writing the inevitable.
Finding a new way forward.
Diamonds and Toads: Retellings in the literary dialogue.
Dozens of overlapping conversations.
Wagging Their Tails Behind Them: Time to go home.
Yet more prompts.
Consider Personal and Emotional Impact
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